Kicks going up on a Tuesday!!

The Crescent Kick 

While Drake is turning up, partying, and making the club go up on a Tuesday, I’ll be practicing, working hard, and making my kicks go up on a Tuesday! Kicks take a lot of practice. Think about a kicker on a football team. Sure it may seem as though he has the easiest job and all he’s doing is swinging his leg, but there are a lot of technical procedures that a kicker must follow to generate the most powerful and accurate kick to score for his team. To a martial artist, technique is everything! Without good technique, both strength and accuracy are lost. Today, I’ll be describing the Crescent Kick!

1.) Get into a nice, balanced stance with your feet about shoulder width apart with the leg that you are kicking no more than a foot behind you.

IMG_1263 IMG_1264

2.) With your kicking leg, lift your knee up towards the front till your thigh is parallel to your waistline.

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3.) There are two ways you can execute this kick, inside-outside or outside-inside. When you execute the kick, it is going to go in a semicircular motion. For the inside-outside crescent kick, you want to kick out then move your leg towards the right (or left if you are doing it with your left leg) and aim with the bladedge of your foot. For the outside-inside, do the opposite but aim with the in steps of your feet.

Front View: Inside-Outside

Front View: Inside-Outside

Front view: Outside-Inside.

Front view: Outside-Inside.

Side View: Inside-Outside

Side View: Inside-Outside

Side View: Outside-Inside

Side View: Outside-Inside

4.) Pull back your kick. Draw the lower half of your leg back to the position you were in on the second step then set it back!

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In a full motion, it should look like this:

Outside-Inside Crescent Kick.

Outside-Inside Crescent Kick.

Inside-Outside Crescent Kick.

Inside-Outside Crescent Kick.

5 thoughts on “Kicks going up on a Tuesday!!

  1. Pingback: Kicks going up on a Tuesday!! | Martial Arts with Lyman Chen

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